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DOCUMENT TITLE: Author Services, Inc.
SUBJECT: Corporate information on Author Services, Inc.
PARTIES: Lenske, Lenske & Heller, law firm drafting corporate documents; Sherman D. Lenske, Registered Agent; Norman F. Starkey, President; Meade Emory, creator of the entire corporate structure plan


Author Services, Inc. is incorporated on 13 October 1981, a Tuesday.

Destined to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of CST as a result of the IRS Closing Agreement, this for-profit corporation is the crucial next step in Meade Emory's plan. It is handling the exact same "business interests" that the Lenskes are handling, so becomes merely an extension of their law office. Norman F. Starkey is installed as the "Legal Officer" for ASI, making him the go-between to Scientology for the Lenskes, and carrying out their orders.

To see how ASI currently fits into the grand scheme of things, see our chart on how the IRS controls Scientology.

Tuesday, 13 October 1981
Author Services, Inc. (ASI), is incorporated
Corporate number: 1057096
7051 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 400
Hollywood, CA 90028
Not a religious corporation, not non-profit
Sherman D. Lenske, Registered Agent
Norman F. Starkey, Legal Officer (currently President)

Officers Statement file number 346107 filed 08/01/94
Certificate of Amendment filed 11/18/97, California Secretary of State.

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