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DOCUMENT TITLE: Fictitious Business Name Statement (Norman F. Starkey as "L. Ron Hubbard Library") SUBJECT: Establishes a fictious business name, or "d.b.a." for Norman F. Starkey PARTIES: Norman F. Starkey, Trustee of Author's Family Trust-B; Sherman D. Lenske of Lenske, Lenske & Heller, filing attorney; Meade Emory and Sherman Lenske, architects of the probate and fraudulent "business name;" Sherman Lenske, Stephen Lenske, and Lawrence E. Heller, Special Directors of CST at the time of the filing, as "consultants" to Starkey (Trustee of both Author's Family Trust-A and Author's Family Trust-B), and as "Trust Protectors" BACKGROUND AND NOTES This document conclusively proves not only that Sherman Lenske knew by 30 January 1989 that CST would be granted tax exemption--and therefore would receive the copyrights and other assets--but that he knew, within two months, the date by which CST would receive the copyrights and assets pursuant to that tax exemption--which happened on 29 November 1993. It proves federal conspiracy collusion between Sherman Lenske and IRS by 30 January 1989, and that IRS had guaranteed not only tax exemption, and therefore the copyrights, to CST, but had named a target date by which it would be accomplished. This means that the entire later Claims Court "battle" between CST and IRS--ruled against CST in 1992 by Bruggink--was nothing but an elaborate and fraudulent dog-and-pony show at taxpayers' expense to "demonstrate" that CST was struggling to get tax exemption. The document itself is the first appearance of the fraudulent fictitious business name "L. Ron Hubbard Library," filed on 30 January 1989. This d.b.a. is for Norman Starkey to fraudulently operate under that name, but it is exactly the same fraudulent name that would pass to CST once CST received ownership of the copyrights. Receiving those copyrights and other assets had been made contingent on tax exemption by Meade Emory when he drew up the "Author's Family Trust-B" instrument. (Note that Starkey allegedly commenced doing business as a fraudulent library on 3 January 1989. In this case, since that is not a date of execution of the document itself, but only an asserted date, we have placed this document at the date on which is was actually filed.) The proof that Lenske, who filed the document on 30 January 1989, knew almost exactly when CST would inherit the copyrights, and therefore take over the fraudulent name from Starkey, is that Lenske crossed out the automatic expiration information at the bottom of the form, and hand-wrote in "Jan. 30 1994." The only way he could do that is if he already had a guarantee from IRS that CST, of which he was Special Director, would, by that date, have been granted tax exemption, and therefore be in possession and control of the copyrights, and therefore would be commencing to do business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library" themselves. Of course the name itself is a complete fraud, because obviously Norman F. Starkey is not a library, and neither is CST, so there is inarguable intent to deceive. What Starkey did under this fraudulent name was to collect up all stray copyrights of L. Ron Hubbard from everyone who ever had any interest in those copyrights at all, getting all rights in them assigned (transferred) to the estate so they could later be transferred to the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST). This process went on for seven years. Naturally, once the 7,000+ copyrights had been collected in the estate, transferred to Author's Family Trust-B, and then transferred to CST by order of IRS, Sherman Lenske filed another d.b.a. for the exact same fictitious business name on behalf of CST. As it turns out the two d.b.a.s actually overlapped, so both CST and Norman F. Starkey were operating the same fraud at the same time. Now only CST keeps the fraud going. And this document stands out from the many documents as proof, complete, of IRS's collusion with Lenske. A scan of the actual filed document is below. It isn't great, but then it came from a government office, and they are very, very impoverished. Just ask any of them. We have borrowed this scan from the former Veritas site, so it has their annotations key numbered in red on the actual image. Therefore, here also are their annotations for the red numbers: 1. The person recording the statement is Sherman D. Lenske, of the law firm Lenske, Lenske & Heller. Their address is listed as being 6400 Canoga Avenue #315, Woodland Hills, California 91367. 2. The Fictitious Business Name Statement was filed on January 30, 1989. 3. The Fictitious Business Name being filed is "L. Ron Hubbard Library." 4. The STREET ADDRESS, CITY AND STATE OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA is listed as being "6515 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90028." 5. FULL NAME OF REGISTRANT is given as "Norman F. Starkey as Trustee of Author's Family Trust-B." 6. Starkey's address is also listed as "6515 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90028." 7. Starkey is claimed to have commenced doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library" on January 3, 1989 (but Library of Congress records show him doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library" as early as August 4, 1988). 8. Signature of Norman F. Starkey as Trustee of Author's Family Trust-B. And our annotation at 9.: Sherman Lenske scratched out the automated term limits on the form, and hand-wrote the date on which the d.b.a. for Starkey was to end, knowing, in advance, that CST already would be doing business as the "L. Ron Hubbard Library" by that date, since CST would already have tax exemption, and would already own the copyrights. |
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