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DOCUMENT TITLE: Option Agreement (LRH/CST)
SUBJECT: Options granted to the corporation known as "Church of Spiritual Technology" (CST) relevant to the Advanced Technology Assignment Agreement and Trademarks Assignment Agreements dated 10 May 1982
PARTIES: Purportedly L. Ron Hubbard; unknown parties signing for CST


No copy of the document being referred to is available, except to IRS, who does have a copy. It purportedly is an Agreement signed on 10 May 1982 between the missing L. Ron Hubbard and a person or persons unknown representing CST.

The Option Agreement is known to exist because a "co-founder" of CST, Lyman D. Spurlock, (really only a go-fer assistant to Meade Emory) refers to it in a letter of 21 May 1987 to Marvin Frielander, Exempt Organizations Ruling Branch, Internal Revenue Service.

Spurlock's letter claims that in a "Supplemental Submission" by CST to IRS, a proposed (not final) Assignment Agreement for the Advanced Technology, and a proposed (not final) Assignment Agreement for the trademarks were inadvertently "attached to the option agreement between Mr. Hubbard and CST."

So IRS has a copy of this agreement in their files. So they know who the unknown parties were for CST who signed it with "L. Ron Hubbard."

But there is a problem. The problem is knowing fraud. The reason for this is that CST was not incorporated until 18 days later, on 28 May 1982, when the Articles of Incorporation were filed in California after being signed by Meade Emory's chief handmaiden, Sherman Lenske.

Of course IRS also has had all the corporate papers on CST, so they are a knowing party to the fraud. But they knew about it long before they got any "submissions" from CST (all only for show), because their own Meade Emory had set the entire fraud up. Let 'em know what you think about it in the Complaint Department.

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