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DOCUMENT TITLE: Trademark renewal for Dianetics triangle, Ser. No. 72025534 SUBJECT: First renewal for Dianetics triangle trademark, Ser. No. 72025534, for the goods and services category of "books and magazines" PARTIES: Purportedly, L. Ron Hubbard; Norton S. Karno, attorney; Sherman Lenske; attorney; Religious Technology Center (RTC) BACKGROUND AND NOTES It is 1979, the year in which the IRS operative Norton S. Karno will be named--in a Will written by his own employee, Sherman Lenske--as the Executor and Trustee over "L. Ron Hubbard's" estate. (Not only will Karno be placed in that exalted position, he will be granted by "Hubbard" the right to put his own business partnership interests above the interests of Hubbard's estate, and his firm will be "granted" a waiver of conflict of interest for representing him if he does.) More proof of the breadth and calculated plotting of the plan created by former Assistant Commissioner of IRS Meade Emory and his co-conspirators--Karno, the Lenskes, IRS, et al.--to strip Hubbard's intellectual property out of the organizations Hubbard had permanently assigned them to, this vitally important Dianetics triangle trademark for books and magazines is the last crucial trademark action to set up the Hubbard estate so that the IRS's Karno can be put in temporary control of it. (Later it will be passed off to temporary control of people working for Sherman Lenske, in a 1982 Will written by Meade Emory as assisted by Sherman Lenske. Then the estate will finally be handed over in a 1986 Will also written by Emory, again assisted by Sherman Lenske, to co-conspirator Norman Starkey for ultimate distribution, by order of IRS, to the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST), which IRS controls.) The Dianetics triangle needs to be renewed in Hubbard's name so it can be included in the fraudulent 10 May 1982 "gift" of the trademarks from "L. Ron Hubbard" to Religious Technology Center (RTC). The exact mechanism of how this massive fraud was accomplished is covered in our report on the trademarks. Here is the record of the renewal, the last major act in the plan before Karno will be put in control over all of the intellectual property that has been being methodically and surreptitiously transferred to the Hubbard estate by Karno and the Lenskes, as is fully documented in this and the other trademark and copyright documents earlier in our chronological Documents index.
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