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DOCUMENT TITLE: Trademark renewal, S and Double Triangles for tape recordings SUBJECT: Trademark renewal, S and Double Triangles, Ser. No. 72025533, for goods and services category "tape recordings" PARTIES: Purportedly, L. Ron Hubbard; Religious Technology Center (RTC) BACKGROUND AND NOTES Coming almost one year to the day after the secretive transfer of all the copyrights out of HCO--a division of the Church of Scientology of California, where L. Ron Hubbard had assigned the copyrights and trademarks forever--and into the estate of "L. Ron Hubbard," the trademark transaction in the record reproduced below was the first of three important trademark transactions that will take place in 1979. It's all part of the Meade Emory and IRS plan to strip the intellectual property out of CSC and into the Hubbard estate, where IRS operative Norton S. Karno--who is involved in or behind all the transfers--will then be made Executor and Trustee over the estate later in 1979, by his own employee and co-conspirator Sherman Lenske. This particular trademark being renewed on 5 May 1979 is a crucial trademark indeed: it is the Scientology "S-and-double-triangles" mark for the "Goods & Services" category of "tape recordings." It attaches to every one of the 3,000 recorded lectures given by Hubbard, an absolutely essential part of every major training course in all of Scientology. This vital mark will be one of several key and controlling marks that will be involved in a fraudulent "assignment" on 10 May 1982, purportedly from "L. Ron Hubbard" to Religious Technology Center (RTC). The only problem with the "gift" is that it came with hauser-girth strings attached, all commercial interest in the marks being retained in the Hubbard estate for later transfer, by order of IRS, through Author's Family Trust-B to the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST), which IRS controls. The trademark fraud is covered in our report on it. The only additional thing to point out about this particular mark is the enormous scope of control it exerts over all of Scientology, something that might not be immediately understood by a non-adherent. But the vast majority of trademarks actually registered to RTC are related to training courses, and every course above the most basic, walk-in introductory level, relies heavily on the taped lectures of L. Ron Hubbard. Since CST exerts absolute control over all commercial use of this mark, as it does with other essential and indispensible marks, no part of Scientology anywhere in the world could proceed should CST elect to deny its use This is the central mechanism of control dreamed up by Meade Emory and IRS, and why they had to strip the important intellectual property away from the organizations that Hubbard had actually bequeathed them to, destroy those organizations, and pour the copyrights and key marks into Author's Family Trust-B so these controlling properties could be secretly seized by the federal government through IRS.
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