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DOCUMENT TITLE: Shaw Management Corporation
SUBJECT: Corporate information on Shaw Management Corporation
PARTIES: Sherman Lenske, incorporator; Dr. Gene Denk, President


Shaw Management Corporation is incorporated on 11 April 1978, a Tuesday, by Sherman Lenske.

The President of the corporation is Dr. Gene Denk, who will later attend the 24 January 1986 announced death of "L. Ron Hubbard." The coroner's brief post-mortem examination will reveal traces of a drug, Vistaril, that has psychiatric uses, but is also used as a sedative before and after general anasthesia. Yet Denk will rule that it was a natural death, and sign the necessary papers to have the body immediately cremated without autopsy.

Tuesday, 11 April 1978
Shaw Management Corporation
Corporate number: C0863729
5336 Fountain Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90029
President: Gene Denk

Statement of Officers file 220072, file date 05/06/96
Incorporated by Sherman Lenske
Status: active
Jurisdiction: California

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